
Cabar Diri Untuk Berjaya

Kejayaan adalah impian setiap individu. Walau seringkali dihimpit kegagalan, kejayaan tetap menjadi buruan untuk membuktikan berkali gagal tidak semestinya akan berterusan gagal. Ada juga pepatah mengatakan seseorang itu tidak akan berjaya selagi tidak gagal berulangkali. Dan ada juga yang memegang prinsip, kejayaan tidak akan datang bergolek tanpa usaha gigih dan bersusah-susah dahulu. Bagaimana mengajar diri […]

Botox atau Filler – Sama Tapi Tak Serupa

Penuaan bukan sesuatu yang boleh dielakkan. Ianya akan dilalui oleh semua. Tak kira lelaki atau wanita, proses penuaan adalah cerita kehidupan yang biasa. Namun begitu bagi yang merasakan sukar menerima kenyataan kedut dan tua sebagai proses biasa, sering mencari alternatif bagaimana meperlambatkan proses penuaan tersebut. Dari semua alternatif yang sentiasa berkembang maju dalam dunia kecantikan, […]

Does the sun really age your skin?

Yes, we are still talking about the impact of sun on our skin! Now, dermatologists believe that lifelong sun exposure is the main cause of premature skin aging. And what’s the issue with premature aging signs? That it is premature, happening earlier than it should! . Premature aging signs are aging signs that happens earlier […]

DIY Toxic Free Cleaning at Home

Here are some tried and tested ways to reduce usage of toxic chemicals at home. They really do work and I personally practice all these! Happy to share with you all!   Clogged sink and drains. – Get some water boiling in your kettle. Once almost boiling, pour baking soda at the sink hole, and […]

Combat your acne with the right product!

Kerap membersihkan kulit

Just when we thought the haze was going away, it seems to be getting worse again! The sky was bright and clear earlier yesterday, but come noon, visibility became drastically poorer, and the smell of smoke was stronger than before! Yikes! As explained earlier in our previous post, acne is a skin condition manifested by […]

The unwanted acne

Nobody wants acne. But we have all experienced it at least once in our lifetime. Unfortunately for some, acne just never leave since they start showing up in our teen years. While it may be impossible for us to be rid of acne forever (but some are lucky so, it’s worth the effort!), but hopefully […]

Taking care of your skin when you’re on the move

#1 Keep yourself hydrated That means both drinking plenty of WATER, and using MOISTURIZERS. This is especially when you are travelling on an airplane. It’s actually very dry in the cabin up there, so you definitely have to make that extra effort to stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause breakouts! Hydrated cells are the key to […]

On-the-go skincare tips for travelling

We all love travelling. But not so much the packing up part (mostly for moms haha). And for us ladies, or even some men, we can’t help but wanting to bring that big, heavy makeup bag containing all that skincare, grooming and makeup stuff we believe to be essential. So while we understand that the […]

Premature Aging 101

Kulit kendur dan tua dari usia

We know the sun is the main culprit for premature aging skin. While aging is natural, there are ways to delay the inevitable. And so, it is worth knowing what the other causes are so we can help prevent our skin from premature aging. Deep fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin; that’s what we’re fighting […]

The ultimate guide on choosing the perfect sunscreen

Kulit cerah sunblock

1. SPF (Skin Protection Factor). The SPF number you see on the label is actually an indication of how long it can protect your skin before it gets affected by the sun. (E.g. SPF30 means, your skin will be protected for 30 x 5minutes = 150 minutes). But bear in mind, the level of protection […]